Metropolis 2 designed and built a website for respected valve manufacturer, Northvale Korting. The company operates worldwide and has a good working relationship with its global distributor network. James Manning of Metropolis 2 comments: “The website performs the role of a twenty four hour salesperson as existing and prospective customers are able to interact with it, irrespective of the time zone in which they are working.”
The website’s enquiry generator encourages site visitors to input detailed information which Northvale Korting is then able to share with relevant members of its global distribution network. The system also generates a pre-determined number of copies of the lead to aid with MIS, so that no lead is missed and ROI can be calculated.
“We have just secured the contract for the second phase of the site development which will allow for even more strategic communications with clients and prospects with the objective of further enhancing our client’s opportunities to win new and repeat business,” concludes James.